Organizing Committee

David Soldani
Head of Central Research Institute - Huawei European Research Centre, Huawei Technologies Düsseldorf GmbH

Antonio Manzalini
Telecom Italia Strategy Manager - Future Centre, Innovative Architectures, Torino, Italy

Alex Galis
Professor - University College London, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Torrington Place, London WC1E 7JE

Sergio Beker
Research Manager - Huawei European Research Centre, Huawei Technologies Düsseldorf GmbH

Stuart Clayman
Senior Research Fellow - University College London, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Torrington Place, London WC1E 7JE

Dr. Bobby Wong
Future Directions Program Director - IEEE, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway New Jersery, USA


Mr Henrik Abramowicz - Ericsson, Sweden

Dr. Michael Behringer - Cisco, Belgium

Dr. Bela Berde - Alcatel-Lucent, France

Dr. Andreas Berl - University of Passau, Germany

Dr. David Breitgang - IBM Haifa Lab, Israel

Dr. Cagatay Buukkoc - AT&T Labs, USA

Prof. Franco Callegati - University of Bologna, Italy

Prof. Walter Cerroni - University of Bologna, Italy

Dr. Prosper Chemouil - Orange Lab, France

Dr. Elizer Dekel - IBM Haifa Lab, Israel

Prof. Spyros Denazis - University of Patras, Greece

Dr. Masakatsu Fujiwara - NTT, Japan

Prof. Theo Kanter - Stockholm University

Dr. Laurent Lefevre - INRIA, ENS Lyon, University of Lyon, France

Dr Lefteris Mamatas - University College London, UK

Prof. Herman De Meer - University of Passau, Germany

Dr. Julius Mueller - Technical University Berlin, Germany

Dr.Konstantinos Pentikousis - European Center for Information and Communication Technology (EICT), Germany

Dr. Tinku Rasheed - CREATE-NET, Italy

Prof. Danny Raz - Technion, Israel

Dr. Javier Rubio-Loyola - Cinvestav, Mexico

Prof. Susana Sargento - University of Aveiro, Portugal

Prof. Giovanni Schembra - University of Catania

Dr. Fabian Schneider - NEC, Germany

Prof. Masato Tsuru - Kyutech, Japan

Prof. Kurt Tutschku - University of Vienna, Austria

Prof. Carlos Becker Westphall - Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil

Prof. Djamal Zeghlache - Institut National des Télécommunications, France



1ST IEEE / IFIP International Workshop on SDN Management and Orchestration

See the Programmme

Uniform Management of Software Defined Networks (SDN) — Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) — Programmable Networks (PN) — Software Defined Data Centre (SDDC) — Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) environments

In the next decade, the technological substrate and the monetary constrains will create a profound transformation of infrastructures for communications and services. The progressive integration of advanced Information Technologies (IT) and Communication Technologies (CT) will create new markets and products opportunities for the industry and new economic drivers for our society. This new paradigm relies extensively on the pervasive exploitation of processing, storage and networking resources: from smart things and devices to machines and vehicles, from radio access to micro-data centers in aggregation networks, from virtual middle-boxes to disaggregated service platforms. This calls for a complete rethinking, restructuring and redesigning of the current end-to-end architecture.

Network programmability and dynamic configurability are essential requirements for future carrier networks. Software defined networking (SDN) along with network virtualization is envisaged as one of the key technology enablers for meeting these necessities. Within this framework, in order to fully exploit the potential of network and application virtualization and efficiently handling heterogeneous physical resources, e.g. across network and datacentre domains, network operators need orchestration platforms.

Key platform ingredients are algorithms to allocate physical resources to virtual requests and find the optimal location of network functions, IT and CT resources, services and corresponding states, especially at the edge of the network. Equally important are the APIs at the different interfaces between individual resources and their controllers to implement the orchestration functionality. This timely workshop will shed light on the fundamental technology components for SDN management and orchestration, as primary building blocks of the network of the future. Topics of interest include, but not limited to:

  • Unified management frameworks for SDN / NFV / PM / MCC / SDDC
  • Abstractions, architectures and management functions for rapid service deployment in SDN / NFV / PM / MCC / SDDC environments
  • Position papers on the bottlenecks and architectural challenges to be resolved for maturing SDN / NFV / PM/ MCC / SDDC environments
  • Architectures, functions, interfaces and protocols for efficient management and orchestration
  • Quality of Network (QoN): QoS/QoE in (future) networks supported by SDN
  • Orchestration of SDN / NFV / PM / MCC / SDDC resources and related virtual requests embedding algorithms
  • Network abstractions, node and link mapping problem description
  • Embedding algorithm implementations, solutions for nodes and links mapping problem
  • SLA composition for virtualized network functions
  • Auto-*: auto-reconfiguration, auto-monitoring, auto-failure detection and migration in SDN / NFV / PM / MCC / SDDC environments
  • Evaluation Tools and Testbeds


Krakow, Poland, 9th May 2014

Held in conjunction with IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS) Krakow, Poland .


To be held at at the Radisson Park Inn. Further information on workshop venue, accommodation, travel, and more is available on the NOMS 2014 website

Important Dates

13th Jan 2014 Paper Submission Deadline

15th Feb 2014 Acceptance Notification

1st Mar 2014 Camera-Ready Papers

9th May 2014 Workshop Day

Author Instructions

Paper Submission

The contributions are expected to focus on validated results achieved and on integration and interoperation of systems across the above described topics. Late-breaking advances and approaches’ evaluation reports are also encouraged.

Paper submissions must present original, unpublished research or experiences. Papers under review elsewhere must not be submitted to the workshop.

All contributions must be submitted in PDF format via JEMS

The submission and acceptance of contributions will be subject to a rigorous peer review process to ensure originality, timeliness, relevance, and readability.

Authors guideline available at

Paper Format

All papers must be limited to 8 pages in an IEEE 2-column style and will be subject to a peer-review process.

The accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore. Papers will be withdrawn from IEEE Xplore in case the authors do not present their paper at the workshop.